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Safak Onol Profile Picture

I'm Safak Onol, and I'm in the beginning of my gamedev journey. My passion for games and programming led me here.

Game development white board
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©2022 by SafakOnol. Proudly created with

About Me.

I'm a game programming student at Humber College, Toronto. Two years ago, I decided that my passion for games, excitement for problem-solving and enthusiasm about math and physics could only be satisfied in a game development career, and I believe I've made the best decision of my life.


I'm most interested in the graphics programming side of this profession; I love working with OpenGL and creating something out of nowhere or creating a beautifully lit environment in Unreal Engine.


I am trying to expand my experience pool and learning and practicing as many different tools and methods as I can. The projects I've worked on so far include OpenGL and SDL with C++, Unreal Engine, Unity, Godot, Unity AR, Unreal Engine VR and Processing(Java).

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Game Programming
Humber College

Program Overview:
Programming with C++ using OpenGL, Vulkan and SDL Libraries, Unreal Engine, Unity, Physics and Math


Bachelor of Engineering

Ege University

Program Overview:

Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Advanced Chemistry, BioChemistry, Microbiology.

My Projects

3D FPS Game Demo with OpenGL

In this project, my team and I created a 3D FPS template using OpenGL and SDL libraries, coded in C++. My main contribution was programming the OpenGL camera, player movement, mouse look and player/camera attachments, for which I created multiple matrix methods and achieved a responsive camera and gun attachment responsive to keyboard and mouse controls. 

AR Game: Checkers with Unity

As part of our school assignment, we have developed an AR app in unity where players can play a checkers game via their smartphones while using their hand gestures. 

AR checkers game screenshot

Lost and Found

A game jam project made in Godot engine where I was in the role of designer. My role included the narrative, level design, music & audio and defining the art style.

A screenshot from the game Lost and Found

Unreal Engine Multiplayer Project

This is a solo project where I created a multiplayer puzzle platformer test level. My main goal was to create a template menu system that I could use in other multiplayer projects, which I succeeded in. Game level has replicated objects created in the host server, which respond to both the host and client. 

Get in Touch


Toronto, ON

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